Artificial Intelligence

There are many forms and applications of AI. Many are in mainstream use today. These are mainly considered weak AI in that they are only applications of AI techniques, not computers that are taking over the world.

Strong AI is the quest for artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence. The basic idea is when we have achieved strong AI, computers will take over the world in one form or another. Perhaps we will make great pets.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has the same meaning.

Is Strong AI possible?[]

It should be possible. Even naive simulation of the whole human brain would cost just $40 per hour:

  • Human brain has ~10^7 cortical columns.
  • With 1THz computing power, one 1GHz CPU would simulate 10,000 cortical columns.
  • The 1THz is for rent on Amazon EC2 (1000 * 1GHz = 50 Extra Large instances = 50 * $0.8 = $40).

The silicon transistors are much faster than brain neurons (1GHz vs. ~200Hz).

For more, see chapter 7.1 Are super intelligent machines possible? from Shane Legg's thesis.

How to Test Strong AI?[]

There is currently no concrete test for strong AI. Defining what is means to be intelligent is a difficult task. There have been some tests proposed, such as the Turing test, but they are poorly defined.

So, let's make our own test on this wiki, share your ideas here.

How to do it?[]

Following approaches are well described in the chapter 7.2 How could intelligent machines be developed? from the Shane Legg's thesis.

Theoretical approaches[]

The Reinforcement Learning provides nice theoretical framework to describe the problem of intelligence. It is possible to describe the optimal intelligence by a mathematical equation. It just needs to be able to do universal sequence prediction.

Informally, the universal AI predicts outcomes of possible actions and selects the best one.

A scaled down version could use some existing algorithms for sequence prediction. For example: Machine Learning, PPM, probabilistic context-free grammar, ...

There is a need for good generalization. The AI should recognize when two states lead to the same future. The forgetting of unimportant details is an advantage.

Brain simulation[]

The brain is not magic. The thinking, recognition, planning and other high-level actions are done by neocortex -- the grey matter. The white matter are just cables connecting the neurons. The neocortex structure is uniform, different regions are specialized only because of the wiring to the sensors. There could be single algorithm applied all over the brain.

For more, read the On Intelligence popsci book, or watch Jeff Hawkins' video.


When provided with good measure of intelligence, the genetic programming algorithms could try to evolve it.

When Will Strong AI Emerge?[]

When do you think strong AI will evolve beyond human intelligence?

Sign your user id with ~~~ in the table below for your estimate.

Timeframe Users
My comps already smarter than me
Next 5 years

--Nicholasjh1 (talk) 03:33, September 27, 2012 (UTC)

Next 10 years

Pygmalion pb

Next 30 years Fidlej
Next 50 years Bobwrit 01:48, 10 May 2009 (UTC)
Next 100 years
More than 100 years

What Will AI's Do With Humanity?[]

When strong AI evolves beyond human intelligence, what will they do with humanity? Do we have a Terminator future awaiting, or something more like Buck Rogers?

Sign your user id with ~~~ in the table below for what you think will happen.

Our Future Users
Ignore us Do we ignore stars? Fidlej
Make us pets

Pygmalion pb

Put us in a zoo
We will become cyborgs --Nicholasjh1
Exterminate us
Some combonation of the above Bobwrit 01:48, 10 May 2009 (UTC)

Play the Endgame: Singularity to see one possible ending.

Strong AI is equal to a captcha[]

A human user is utilized as an oracle which provides the answer to a question told from a computer. In the example, the captcha asks what can be seen on the picture, and the human clicks the button for “5” because this number is visible in the captcha box. Additionally, a captcha and a turing test are the same ideas. They are utilized for measuring human intelligence. It allows to detect if humans have basic skills in natural language, image recognition and audio listening. Such tests are equal to a Strong AI. It describes an experiment in which a software has to decide if the human fulfills certain criteria. [1]


Strong AI Researchers:


  1. Yampolskiy, Roman V. "Turing test as a defining feature of AI-completeness." Artificial intelligence, evolutionary computing and metaheuristics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013. 3-17.